Mille Lacs.....Oh Lord....And Jacks Largest Yet!
Travis Frank
This Morning Jack and His son Tom jumped in the boat for some fun. This is Jack's 3rd season of fishing with me, and while he has caught a couple of nice ones in the past, this morning he caught his largest yet at 46 inches. This was far from the only chance we had today, and as we kept track it got confusing towards the end. Jack and Tom will be joining me for two more mornings this week, so hopefully the totals keep increasing and Jack hauls in an even larger one for us to take a picture with. The tally for today is somewhere around 15 sightings, and 1 in the boat. A great time for the ski's, but we're hoping to up the average the next couple times out. As you can see from this picture, Jack had his video camera with, so hopefully the movies will continue to be made. Eventually I'll get them on here for everybody to see, but I still can't quite figure it out. Although he obviously didn't tape his own battle, there were quite a few laughs after the net had been placed in the water, and should be a good one to watch. Thanks boys, see ya soon!
Loge, Kemke and Myself spent Saturday evening and Sunday morning up on the big pond (Mille Lacs). Our quest was simple, have a great time, relax and catch a 60 pounder. Well, we did have a great time, the weather made it nearly impossible to relax, and we didn't catch a 60 pounder.
All in all, the great time made the trip worth it. Friday night we chased the ski's around from dark until about 3:00 AM. Around 10:00 we really got ourselves into a pod of them, and some giants at that. It was kinda funny cuz Kemke heard the explosion of one, and honestly wanted nothing to do with it. Loge and I just laughed. Loge hooked up shortly after we started seeing the giants, and the beast of a ski found its way into the air and shook the hooks. Arghhh the Mille Lacs Ski's can be elusive. He claims he caught it, but obviously he didn't. We spent the rest of the night laughing at having a good time with the rats nests that they kept getting into. Like a couple of first timers on the water.
Sunday morning greeted us with 30 mph winds making fishing impossible and breaking my trolling motor in the process. It was a frustrating couple of hours of battling the totally unnecessary waves, Why do they have to get that big anyway??? Anybody have an extra trolling motor to spare??? We did catch a couple of Willies before we left which kept the boat from leaving with the skunk still in it. A fun time, with many laughs, and curse words. Oh Well, I guess that's what happens when you live the dream!