Goose, Geese, Goslings...Whatever You Call 'Em!
Travis Frank
This past Mother's day my family and I spent some time in the great outdoors. Giving thanks to the one that brought us life, My sister and I surprised our mom and took her to her favorite place. The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. There we visited her favorite hide-outs around the property and took in all the sights and sounds from the blossoming plants. While I took several cool pictures, I will try to save face and only share the ones that are slightly manly. Sorry, no flower shots are going to make the cut. This photo was the first family of gosslings that I have seen this year. It just so happened that they let me come close enough for some cool shots. I took a bunch, but this one is my favorite, plus I feel a family portrait is proper for the one Sunday a year known as Mother's Day.
Happy Mothers Day Mom! I love you!