Utah Critters...
Travis Frank
While in Utah we were always on the look out for critters. We classified a critter as anything that moves on its own. Big or small, it didn't matter, it was a critter. While there were Mule deer by the dozens, elk and even a few antelope too, my favorite critter of all was this teeny tiny little lizard that came out to sun himself in the spring heat. I'm not sure what kind of lizard he was, but he resides about 25 miles due west of Castle Dale on the edge of a thousand foot canyon. His surroundings are red rock, cactus and open desert air. Since we have nothing even close to this in Minnesota, I was thrilled to get a few shots of this fella. He was a good sport about it too and stuck around just long enough to give me a kodak moment. Thanks to him I have another photo to share!