Hot Water = Hot Bassin'
Travis Frank
Darn heat! I feel like I've made that statement a lot over the past 2 months. It just won't let up. My muskie sticks are standing nicely in the corner of my garage, right next to all the big baits. Water temps have held steady in the 80's since mid-june and that has kept me in bass mode. If you aren't familiar with muskies and hot water, it isn't a good combination. Proper catch and release in hot water becomes difficult, and a likely reason as to why we are seeing muskies floating dead on the surface. Bass on the other hand are the opposite of muskies. They thrive in this hot stuff. It's exactly why Florida, Texas and Arizona boast some of the best bass fishing in the country. It's because of this bass bonanza that I've been able to stay busy and bring smiles to many of my customers. I can't remember a time when we've caught this many bass, and big ones to boot. It's been stellar bassin'. Here's a few shots from the past few days on the water. Thanks to all that have joined me for the fun!