The Quest Begins...
Travis Frank
This is shaping up to be one heck of a run. The quest is now hours away from beginning. The weather the last few days has kept me off of the big pond, which I guess has given me more time to prepare and set everything up for the last few weeks of the season. Today I am going to be focusing on the metro muskies with a couple of good 'ol gents from southern Minnesota. After that my gear is going to be loaded up and my heart set on that one true giant of a fish. Here's a brief timeline of what I hope to take place over the next few weeks.
Tomorrow I will be joined by the epic muskie anglers Theo and Todd to bring the Mojo back where it belongs. In our boat! The last two times we fished for "the one" have been two of the most memorable trips in my young fishing career. It was with Todd that this whole passion for the state record began, and he was my net-man for my biggest muskie to date. What he and I shared on the water that day will never be forgotten, and I can only hope that we get to relive those moments tomorrow with a new record. Theo brings with him some of the best jokes that I have ever heard, and when the three of us have fished together we have always landed some giants. With their luck, I wouldn't be surprised if the big girl eats tomorrow.
Friday will be spent with Pete and his father. These guys have been jacked up for this trip since about June when we put all the pieces together. The weather looks like it will hold for us to get out, and it's possible that the weather that forced us to stay home on Monday will reward us with a fish of a lifetime on Friday. As I have told many people before, sometimes things just work themselves out that way, and good things happen for reasons that I can't even fathem. I hope this is the case for the three of us when we venture into the open seas on Friday.
Saturday and Sunday I look to bag a buck with my "Motley Crew" deer hunting party. I look forward to my time in the woods with these great friends every year. The passion for this state record muskie over the past few years has really cut into my deer hunting time, but this "quest" of a season is so short that I have to give up some things to have others. I'm okay with that, and will hang on to every moment in the stand and telling jokes about the deer that got away and the ones that didn't. It should be a good weekend.
Monday and Tuesday I will find myself back on Mille Lacs with a couple of cheeseheads. Sorry for the Wisconsin slam guys, I am only joking. Bret is up for the challenge, and he is bringing one of his favorite young fisherman with him. It would be nice if everyone could land a state record muskie on these outings, but being realistic, I am just hoping for great chances at big fish for everyone. We will see what Monday and Tuesday brings.
This is about as far in advance as I like to look at this time of the year. The weather can change fast, so we are going to be playing out the rest of the season as mother nature intends. With that being said, the days and weeks following are going to be crazy. Brian Peterson, the outdoor reporter for the Brainerd Dispatch is looking to do a full cover story on this quest, so one of the following days will be spent with him when we get the chance.
Friday the 13th is now scheduled to be one of the coolest opportunities I have had yet. As part of my employment with Ron Schara Productions, I am going to be given the opportunity to start filming a new show. Without giving out too much information, we are planning on filming a pilot for a new television show. This show is going to be an extreme look at fishing across the country in ways that most wouldn't consider possible. The lineup for the first season is looking awesome, and this new show will hopefully give insights to some of the unique ways and adventures that we anglers take to catch some of the biggest fish swimming in our waters. This is NOT going to be your normal boring bass fishing show where a guy catches a bass and kisses it on the lips and lets it go. The snow, ice, wind and extreme temperatures will surely make this a perfect start to the show, and I can't even imagine how incredible it would be to land a state record while the camera is rolling. It's going to be sweet!
That should take a few days to accomplish everything we want to do. Once that is completed, I have a couple more guests from out east that look to get in on the action. Their experience with winter fishing in Pennsylvania looks to give them an upper hand on our Minnesota fish. I hope the weather cooperates for us and the fish do their part. If all goes as planned, they too will have a fish of a lifetime or two. We are looking at three full days on the water, so we shall see!
With the busy schedule upcoming, I can only imagine what kinds of conditions we will face. I do have some free days that will allow for others to join me if they choose, so please don't hesitate to call. I enjoy sharing these last few weeks with all the eager fisherman that are up to the challenge, and I really appreciate all words of encouragement along the way. The last few years have brought many people into my life that wish me good fortune on the water. Your thoughts and encouragement keep me going when the snow is flying, the wind is blowing, and the ice is forming on the lake. Without you all, I sometimes feel that I will end my quest early. After all, it is not easy and very exhausting mentally and physically. I pray that God will continue to give me strength to battle the elements and bring good fortune to our days on the water. I pray for safety for all that join me on the water, and may this year be the year that I document a true catch of a Minnesota state record muskie. As always, I will have my computer with me and update as time allows. I won't be home now for several days, but before I leave, I want to thank you all for reading my journal and wishing me luck. You all know who you are, and I thank each and every one of you. Until the next state record muskie strikes the lure, keep on livin' the dream!