Hello...Now That's A Muskie!
Travis Frank
My Oh My, it has been a while since this website has seen a new muskie uploaded into its contents. I thought this morning would be a good time for me to loose a couple of hours of sleep and make some magic happen. Young Ben, (who you will get to know real soon) joined me at the access at 4:30 this morning to give it a go. For heaven sakes, my new boat is a virgin when it comes to the muskies, so our mission was to get the muskie stink on it. Spot number two for the morning at about 5:00 am took only two casts. One backlash from me, and one muskie from Ben! It was a great feeling to start throwing for the big girls once again, and proved that loosing a few hours of sleep was well worth it. A couple more casts and the sun was rising on the day, we stuck it out for a short stint longer then it was off to the office to continue livin the dream again. Great morning for sure. I anticipate a few more big ski's in the boat in the next few days. This weekend finds me up on Mille Lacs aka: the Big Pond for some action that I hope is a continuation of last year. We will soon find out! Until next time, Keep on Livin The Dream!