Wow! 102 Kings in 2 days!
Travis Frank
Now this is very impressive! My longtime friend John Lavalle (Chewey) who now resides in a very small town up in Alaska sent me some photos from a recent fishing trip he was on. As you can see from the pictures, they must have timed things right and dialed in on a fabulous bite, because they boated 102 Kings in a matter of 2 days. Judging from the pictures and the size of these fish, they probably had some sore arms after doing all that battling. I would have to say jealousy is an understatement because that looks like one heck of an awesome time.
Chewey moved up to Alaska some 4 years ago to take his teaching abilities to a small village in the middle of nowhere, to help the natives. As I recall, he was going to try this for a short period, but after his experiences and finding the woman of his dreams he has yet to move back to his hometown of Waconia. I hear great stories and pictures from this man all the time, and it is only a matter of time before I will get to go visit him and try some of these adventures. If he isn't hunting something down, he is probably reeling something in. Now that is living the dream! Way to do it up right Chewey and congrats on a great couple of days of Kings, not many people can say they have experienced such a trip. Keep on livin the Dream!