Pre-Spawn Willies!
Travis Frank
Downtown Twin Cities???
Yeah Baby!!!
Tim and I got the warm clothes on and muscled up the courage to sit on open water for a couple of hours yesterday evening. After all, the temp was 40 degrees, and the forecast for the rest of the week calls for snow, snow and more snow. So to cure the itch until the warmer weather arrives, we decided to jerk a few lips. The two of us went back and forth with our hot streaks, and joked at each others misses for nearly 2 1/2 hours of awesome spring walleyes on the Mississippi. It was crazy to see the water temps in the mid 30's and have the walleyes hitting the jig so hard, but neither of us were complaining.
The presentation and pattern was simple. Jig and minnow (until we ran out) and plastics. When dealing with river fish, it is all about the current, and when you find the fish in this dirty water, you have to literally be within inches of their face before they see the bait and hit it. All of our fish came from an area that covered about two boat lengths. They were stuck in a little underwater break in 15- 17 ft of dirty water. We had this area all to ourselves, and just hung their until we ran out of daylight. I started the day by boating the first 8 walleyes, laughing continuously at Dingy, only to see him throw the next 6 in the boat and hearing him chirp back at me. The rest of the evening we went back and forth netting fish for each other anywhere from 1lb up to about 4-5 lbs.
It was crazy, the males were fertilizing everything in the boat, and the females we caught looked like they had just swallowed some footballs. These fish were active and eating exactly what we were offering before they do their yearly ritual. The only snag in our day was the camera battery that died very early in the fish catching parade. A great trip on the water, with some interesting and different scenery for a change.
Love it! Fish On!